Representative Projects
Aerogen Corporation
Class 10,000 cleanroom, lab and extensive office space tenant improvements
Apple Computer
Office improvements, anechoic chamber and hemi-anechoic chamber
Beshoff MotorCars
Detail steel building
Cardinal Health
Lab and office space tenant improvements
City of Sunnyvale
Ongoing small and large tenant improvement projects
Gerber Medical
Medical Green Buildout
KLA Tencor
Research lab buildout
Oriol Corporation
Class 10,000 – 1,000 – 100 cleanroom spaces
Pacific Cafe
Tenant improvements
Western Digital
Clean room walls, and office expansions
Client Testimonies
"Your field personnel were very polite, professional,
and extremely organized."
--Gary Allen, 3Com Corporation
"Your people have been most cooperative and it's a pleasure
doing business with personnel of this caliber."
--Gus Guzman, Read-Rite Corporation
"I wish all vendors would give the customer service your
company provides."
-- Rick Campbell, City of Sunnyvale
"All around, the projects you completed for me were excellent. It is a pleasure doing business with your company."
-- Tony Davis, Toshiba Electronics of America
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